Mark with a healthy Striped Marlin in the boot after a successful days gamefishing.
Mark with a healthy Striped Marlin in the boot after a successful days gamefishing.
While I enjoy any form of fishing, my favourite thing to do is walk into a remote rocky location and fish for snapper from the shore, there is nothing like having big healthy snapper swimming at your feet in a berley trail. I like the effort required to find the fish, followed by the skill it takes to pull them out of snaggy shallow water, that is if you manage to hook one in the first place. My mission is to catch a snapper over 20lb from the rocks, something I hope to do in the near future!
My favourite fish species would actually have to be the mighty kingfish, they fight like a fish 2 times their size, and I am a massive fan of Sashimi. Kingfish in my opinion provide some of the best Sashimi available in New Zealand when handled correctly. My family absolutely loves Kingfish sashimi, between us we will generally eat the majority of a whole fish raw if given the chance.
My favourite fishing location would have to be the Far North of New Zealand, in particular the Three Kings Islands, a location I have visited several times growing up with my dad. I haven’t been recently, but I will always remember the huge Kingfish, Hapuku, Bass, and Bluenose. Another amazing memory is of seeing lit up Striped Marlin swimming within a stones throw of the islands.
I fish because I love being in and around the ocean, it is the best place for me to get away from civilization and forget about the day to day stresses of life. Being a massive fan of seafood, and being able to harvest it myself is another big factor, we very rarely purchase seafood from the store. I like being able to share it with friends and family, and I take a great deal of care in how I look after anything I bring home. I believe that if you are going to harvest a living creature, you should look after it to the best of your ability, and try not to waste anything.