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Fishing Lures

Lure fishing is an exciting way of catching fish, and to fool our quarry into eating something that really doesn’t look much like their favourite food source (to our eyes at least) is quite an achievement. It is also incredibly addictive and a bit of initial success can soon see the afflicted angler carting around a mountain of spare lures, hoping that somewhere in that pile of boxes and bags will be that special artificial that will become ‘the one’.

Just some of the tried-and-tested lures in Shimano’s mind-boggling range include Stick baits and Poppers for giant trevally, Jigs for kingfish, slow to medium Jigs for snapper and other bottom dwellers, metal casting jigs for pelagics and Egixile squid jigs for squid. Shimano's extensive lure range is always expanding and developing with new and exciting lures each new season. 

Choosing the right fishing lure can mean the difference on each fishing outing as to whether you land that catch. Shimano's extensive range offers you all the options you need to target and hook your desired catch and make your fishing trip worth while.