PLEASE NOTE: This planner is intended as a guide only. Trends indicated in this calendar are subject to seasonal variations and changeable climate patterns. For more up-to-date and specific information, always talk to the staff at local tackle shops in the regions you visit. ALSO, be sure to stay across all current rules, regulations and seasonal closures* in the areas where you intend to go fishing.
It’s very important to note that new and sometimes temporary or fixed-term closures, restrictions and bans apply to certain recreational fisheries around the country, and that these can and do change over time, often with little advance warning. Examples include (but are certainly not confined to) restrictions on the snapper fishery in SA, the Spanish mackerel fishery in QLD, and the demersal (bottom or reef) fishery in WA.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Talk to the staff in local tackle shops and visit the on-line sites of relevant fisheries management authorities for updates.
Good squid fishing is available in many waters
Snapper numbers are steadily increasing now, and many more anglers begin chasing these fish, especially after the AFL footy Grand Final. Early season blue swimmer crabs and yellowfin whiting are available, primarily in SA waters. Good squid fishing in many waters.
Early season blue swimmer crabs are available
Mulloway can be found on beaches north of Perth
Snapper season closes in Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds at the start of the month and the demersal finfish closure begins mid-month. Offshore, the emphasis switches to non-demersals such as King George whiting and Samson fish. Beaches north of Perth fish well now for tailor, mulloway and the occasional shark and snapper. Squidding is a very good option down south, too. Trout season now in full swing.
Snapper can be caught on beaches north of Perth
Trout fishing is open everywhere now
This is a great month to fish inland waters! Golden perch or yellowbelly activity is now hitting its peak. Note that the closed season for Murray cod remains in force on rivers and most still waters and cod should not be targeted. However, in those dams where cod fishing is permitted, October can be a very good month. Trout fishing seasons are open everywhere now and there’s some great trout fishing on offer.
Yellowbelly is hiting it's peak
Barra are becoming increasingly active
The “build up” continues to raise temperatures and humidity levels and there may even be isolated storms later in the month. Barramundi become increasingly active, and other estuary and inshore species such as mangrove jacks, fingermark and threadfin are also more readily available. In the freshwater, saratoga and sooty grunter are hitting well. Some of the year’s biggest mackerel will be taken offshore, along with plenty of tuna, although mackerel tuna (kawa kawa) tend to become more prolific than longtails as the month progresses. Reef fishing is very good, but check for periodic reef fish closures in QLD waters. October is also the peak month for big black marlin along the outer Barrier Reef from Townsville to Lizard Island and beyond.
In the freshwater sooty grunter are hitting well
Kingfish numbers are building
Offshore waters remain cool, but there’s good fishing to be had. The bluefin tuna run is generally finished, but yellowfin and albacore numbers build now. Snapper, morwong and most reef species are readily available, along with sand and tiger flathead. Tailor and salmon numbers increase and kingfish become more readily available. Big dusky flathead are congregating on shallow flats near the entrances to many estuaries before spawning. Bream and luderick or blackfish are present in good numbers, along with some whiting, and mulloway catches also increase. Bass and estuary perch are moving upstream.
Bream are present in good numbers
Shimano Australia Fishing (SAF) and Steve Starling (River & Sea Pty Ltd) accept no liability whatsoever for injuries, loss, expenses, legal prosecutions or any other damages or inconvenience caused or contributed to by adherence to the general advice offered in this calendar, whether due to negligence or otherwise arising from the use of, or reliance on, that information. Before acting on any general information of this type, carefully consider the appropriateness of the information provided, and any specific circumstances applying at the time. In particular, it is incumbent upon the individual using this general advice to be fully aware of all current rules and regulations, as well as all other existing conditions or potential issues.