PLEASE NOTE: This planner is intended as a guide only. Trends indicated in this calendar are subject to seasonal variations and changeable climate patterns. For more up-to-date and specific information, always talk to the staff at local tackle shops in the regions you visit. ALSO, be sure to stay across all current rules, regulations and seasonal closures* in the areas where you intend to go fishing.
It’s very important to note that new and sometimes temporary or fixed-term closures, restrictions and bans apply to certain recreational fisheries around the country, and that these can and do change over time, often with little advance warning. Examples include (but are certainly not confined to) restrictions on the snapper fishery in SA, the Spanish mackerel fishery in QLD, and the demersal (bottom or reef) fishery in WA.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Talk to the staff in local tackle shops and visit the on-line sites of relevant fisheries management authorities for updates.
Flathead are still available inshore
There’s good southern black bream fishing in most estuary systems now. King George whiting remain steady in the SA gulfs. Beach salmon fishing action is near its peak. Flathead still available inshore, mostly in SA, and the first blood worm run of the year occurs in that state.
Beach salmon is near it's peak
Snapper are plentiful on inshore reefs
Snapper are plentiful on inshore reefs, along with Samson fish, skippy (silver trevally) and good squid, especially over inshore weed beds. Look for snapper from the shore after storms. Salmon may still be present as far north as Perth and mulloway are available on many beaches, although tailor are now relatively scarce. Mackerel season in full swing in northern waters, and there’s very good giant trevally fishing further north.
An abundance of Samson fish can be found on inshore reefs
Trout can be found quite active in lakes
Nights and mornings are typically very cold now, with frequent frosts, and native fish activity is generally quite slow, yet some of the year’s largest Murray cod will be taken this month in impoundments such as Eildon, Mulwala, Blowering, Burrinjuck, Wyangala, Pindari, Copeton and Glenlyon. Trout seasons remain closed on most flowing waters (rivers and creeks), although hardy anglers will find trout quite active in many lakes.
Some of the year’s largest Murray cod will be taken this month in impoundments
Offshore trevally are increasingly abundant
Waters are now at their coolest and barra can become very lethargic and hard to tempt, especially with lures. Live and dead baits may be a better option. Offshore, pelagics such as mackerel, trevally, queenfish and small billfish are increasingly abundant, although south easterly trade winds can limit opportunities at times. Reef fishing is good.
It's a premium time to catch mackeral
Bream are biting well in estuaries, surf beaches and rocky headlands
Coastal waters are cool and often clear now and pelagic fish numbers dwindle, although the first southern bluefin tuna may begin to appear in the far south. There’s some great snapper fishing to be had, especially on deeper marks. Bream and blackfish (luderick) continue to bite well in many estuaries, along with the odd mulloway, while salmon and tailor can be caught from surf beaches and rocky headlands, along with drummer, bream and silver trevally.
There's some great tailor fishing available
Shimano Australia Fishing (SAF) and Steve Starling (River & Sea Pty Ltd) accept no liability whatsoever for injuries, loss, expenses, legal prosecutions or any other damages or inconvenience caused or contributed to by adherence to the general advice offered in this calendar, whether due to negligence or otherwise arising from the use of, or reliance on, that information. Before acting on any general information of this type, carefully consider the appropriateness of the information provided, and any specific circumstances applying at the time. In particular, it is incumbent upon the individual using this general advice to be fully aware of all current rules and regulations, as well as all other existing conditions or potential issues.