How to Catch Snapper on Soft Plastics:
The enduring appeal of soft plastics among snapper enthusiasts lies in their adaptability and modular design. Comprising interchangeable heads and tails, these lures cater to various depths and current flows. The Squidgy range, a stalwart in the soft plastic realm, particularly the Squidgy Reef Wriggler in 175mm, remains effective in drawing reaction bites from the aggressive snapper. Their versatility, coupled with an extensive variety of colour schemes, sizes, and styles, makes soft plastics a versatile choice, especially on challenging days.
How to Fish Soft Plastics for Snapper:
Fishing for snapper with soft plastics involves a combination of casting techniques and adaptability. Unlike static bait fishing, lure anglers cover more ground, allowing them to locate fish efficiently. Strategies such as casting up-current, bouncing the lure back, or free-spooling it behind the boat offer effective ways to explore different areas. While there's no perfect science to soft plastic fishing for snapper, the ability to experiment with presentations and cover diverse areas provides a distinct advantage.
What Are the Best Soft Plastics for Snapper?:
Choosing the right soft plastics is a pivotal aspect of successful snapper fishing. The Squidgy Reef Wriggler and other profiles, including fish and paddle tail serve as workhorses during extended fishing sessions. For the aggressive snapper, even a substantial profile like the 150mm Reef Wriggler is easily consumed. The rule of thumb for soft plastic lure colour is to go bright or glow in low light and opt for natural patterns in brighter conditions.
Snapper Lure Essentials:
Essential to snapper fishing success is the selection of the right soft plastic and jig head. The Squidgy Reef Wriggler, known for its effectiveness, and other profiles cater to different scenarios. Snapper's aggressive feeding behaviour allows for the use of larger profile plastics, and adjusting lure size based on fish behaviour or presentation preferences is a tactical move.
Snapper Soft Plastic Essentials:
Jig head selection is equally critical, aiming for the right balance of weight to keep the plastic in the strike zone. Different jig heads offer versatility with weights up to 40 grams and a 6/0 hook size recommended for larger snapper. Adapting jig head weight based on tide and water depth enhances the lure's presentation.
Which Lures Work Best for Snapper:
The effectiveness of lures for snapper is influenced by factors like colour, size, and profile. Bright or glow colours are recommended in low-light conditions, while natural patterns are preferred when visibility is high. The Squidgy range provides a variety of profiles catering to different feeding preferences, making it a reliable choice for snapper enthusiasts.
Snapper Soft Plastic Techniques:
Snapper strikes on soft plastics are decisive moments that often feel like snagging the bottom or encountering a heavy deadweight. This is the opportune time to strike decisively, ensuring a solid hook-set. Varying retrieval techniques, from a basic lift and double flick to more passive or aggressive presentations, can prove instrumental in enticing strikes and adapting to changing fish behaviour.
Best Lure Outfit for Snapper:
Selecting the optimal outfit for snapper fishing involves finding a balance between sensitivity and power. Shimano's compact threadlines paired with graphite rods provide the necessary sensitivity for soft plastic fishing. An ideal outfit includes a crisp-tipped graphite rod rated 6-10kg and a 4000 or compact 5000 sized threadline running 6-10kg braid. Striking the right balance ensures the outfit is practical and robust enough to handle even the largest snapper.
Snapper on Squidgies:
Achieving success with snapper on Squidgies involves understanding the strengths of this lure range. Squidgies adaptability, profiles, and the proven effectiveness of offerings like the Squidgy Reef Wriggler make them potent weapons in the pursuit of snapper. Experimenting with different Squidgy profiles can be a strategic move, allowing anglers to tailor their approach to the preferences of the targeted snapper.
Which Squidgies Work Best for Snapper:
The effectiveness of Squidgies for snapper is influenced by factors like profile, colour, and size. The Squidgy Reef Wriggler, known for its effectiveness, remains a popular choice. However, exploring other Squidgy profiles, including prawn, and fish allows anglers to diversify their approach and address varying fish behaviour.
In conclusion, the pursuit of snapper on soft plastics involves a nuanced understanding of lure selection, fishing techniques, and adaptability. Armed with the right essentials and supported by quality gear, anglers significantly enhance their chances of success on the water.