Landbased Soft Baiting or Lure Fishing. I love the challenge and adventure landbased fishing presents to an angler, choosing the type of lure, according to conditions and target species relevant to the environment you’re fishing in. The excitement of seeing a lure hit on the surface by a school of kahawai or the thrill of catching a species you’d expect off the boat or out in deeper waters such as a Snapper or Trevally.
I love that in New Zealand we’re lucky enough to have so many fantastic species to catch and eat. It’s not an easy one to choose but Trevally has got to be up there. Their incredible ability to fight hard and the quality of the flesh which can be enjoyed beautifully either raw as sashimi, or cooked (roasted in the oven with a splash of white or red wine) makes the humble Trev a favourite of mine.
Out off the rocks in the middle of Medlands Beach on Great Barrier Island. I’ve fished there for as long as I can remember, and it is where I honed my skills – figuring out (sometimes the hard way getting busted off or losing my cherished gear to the rocks) what worked, what didn’t and why. Fishing amongst the crashing waves and staying vigilant all adds to the experience for me, even better if you have to get a bit wet just to get to the spot!
It is an age-old practise which connects me to place and time. I love the marine environment and all it does for us, which makes me passionate about conserving it too. I think anglers are the biggest stakeholders of their local marine or freshwater environments and can be a huge force for good when it comes to protecting our oceans.