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Rod Aero Power Margin Pole


Shimano Aero Power Margin Pole
Shimano Aero Power Margin Pole

Aero Power Margin Pole

The Aero Power Margin pole is an incredibly strong 8.5 metre margin pole designed to cope with the largest match-sized carp in the most extreme situations. Ideal as a standalone margin pole when strength is of the upmost importance, it is also compatible with Aero X3, X2, and X1 poles when extra length is required.
When it comes to brute strength nothing beats the Aero Power Margin pole. If you are looking for a margin pole that you can safely use with the strongest of elastics, to overcome the largest match-sized carp in extreme ‘hook and hold’ situations, this is it. The 8.5 metre length enables you to reach most margin spots where bigger fish often feed and if you own an Aero X3, X3 or X1 pole you can add it to the larger sections for additional reach. The high quality carbon used in the construction also makes the Aero Power Margin easy to use at full length for extended periods of time.
The powerful strength of the Aero Power Margin is created by a combination of high-strength carbons, advanced tapers and some serious reinforcing. Aside from the technology within the construction of the Aero Power Margin, there are a range of features that reinforce Shimano’s commitment to producing the very best. Aero Joint is a reinforcement that improves longevity, Aero Alignment System maximises stiffness and Shimano Ultra Sound Finish delivers super smooth shipping in all conditions. To enable you to choose your own preference of puller kit, a reinforced band has been placed on the second section of all top kits.


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Aero Power Margin 8.5m Pole Pack Full Package








AEPM85P 8.5 6 180 568 High Modulus Full Carbon