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Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal


Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal


Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal
Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal
Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal
Shimano Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal

Lure Sephia Clinch Long Appeal

The Sephia Clinch JET BOOST Shallow is a long casting EGI squid lure that has a slow fall of 7.4 seconds per meter, making it perfect for shallow water fishing from the shore. For maximum performance and visual attraction this versatile squid lure also contains the full range of Shimano BOOST technology.
If you fish for squid from the shore, especially in shallow water, the Sephia Clinch JET BOOST Shallow is one EGI you just can’t ignore. Hidden inside the body is JET BOOST, a moving weight technology that automatically increases your casting range and accuracy, enabling you to cover more water and reach distance squid holding areas. And after landing, this perfectly balanced lure has a slow fall rate, maximising hang time before reaching the bottom. To increase visual attraction, especially when falling or stationary, FLASH BOOST technology uses a reflective mirror to harnesses light and produces a constant flashing. This is further enhanced with life-like SCALE BOOST which is very noticeable in the bright, clear water conditions often associated with rocky shore areas.



FLASH BOOST technology suspends a foil mirror, on small sensitive springs, inside of the lures body. This area of the body is translucent, enabling flashes to be seen when the lure wobbles.​ FLASHBOOST allows the lure to constantly emit an attractive flash, even when the lure remains stationary in the strike-zone. The increased visibility and pulsing flash improves strike rates, especially in bright conditions near the surface. ​


JET BOOST is designed to increase casting distance when compared to lures of similar weights and dimensions. The system uses an internal moving weight, controlled by a spring-type centre of gravity control (Pat.P) system. During the cast, the weight is forced towards the back of the lure, which creates a ‘weight-forward’ balance, improving casting distance and accuracy. Once in the water, the spring automatically returns the weight to the correct central position for maximum swimming performance. JET BOOST enables longer casts with improved accuracy without effecting the balance of the lure whilst fishing.


SCALE BOOST is a three dimensional holographic film that offers remarkable life-like reality. Following as closely as possible the scale pattern and colours of the fish it replicates, in terms of size, shape and overlap, to increase attractiveness.​ The life-like scale pattern produces remarkable accuracy and increases the visual appeal.


Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 001 Pink UV 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 002 Blue UV 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 003 Orange UV 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 004 Keimu Prawn 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 005 Purpe UV 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 006 Avocado K 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 007 Str Sardine 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 008 Str H Mackerel 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 009 Str Mackerel K 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 010 Orange BG 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 011 Pink BG 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 012 St Pink 3.5 Gou
Lure Sephia Clinch JET Boost Shallow 013 Keimu White 3.5 Gou









59VQEZ35W00 001 Pink Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W01 002 Blue Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W02 003 Orange Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W03 004 Keimura Prawn Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W04 005 Purple Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W05 006 Avocado Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W06 007 Str Sardin Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W07 008 Str Horse Mackerel Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W08 009 Str Mackerel Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W09 010 Orange Bg Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W0A 011 Pink Bg Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W0B 012 St Pink Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W0C 013 Keimura White Uv Sinking 106 17 7.4
59VQEZ35W0D 014 Banana Chart Sinking 106 17 7.4