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Shimano Bait Isolate Hookbait Glug Scopex Liver
Shimano Bait Isolate Hookbait Glug Scopex Liver

Bait Isolate Hookbait Glug Scopex Liver

Isolate Scopex Liver Hookbait Glug is a thick concentrated sticky liquid perfect for increasing the attraction of hookbaits by releasing flavour more quickly than an untreated boilie or pop-up. Featuring the same nutritional profile as the Isolate Scopex Liver Boilies, it also contains Hydrolysed Liver and Salmon with an attractive sweet, creamy Scopex flavour. Perfect for boosting the attraction of hookbaits, when boilie hookbaits are left to soak in the glug for extended periods they absorb the flavour deep into their core for additional longevity of flavour leakage.
Using an odourless thick glycerine base, which is extremely soluble in water, Isolate Scopex Liver Hookbait Glug is made using the same ingredients and attractors as the boilies of the same name and contains Hydrolysed Liver and Salmon with an attractive sweet, creamy Scopex flavour. The Scopex Liver Hookbait Glug is perfect for increasing the attraction of any boilie or hookbait, creating a layer of attraction for the fish to home in on. Totally PVA safe, it can also be used in small quantities to increase the flavour and attraction signal when using PVA bags and stick mixes.







ISOSLHB250 Hookbait Dip Scopex Liver 200 Bottle