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Shimano Bait TX1 Hookbait Monster Crab
Shimano Bait TX1 Hookbait Monster Crab

Bait TX1 Hookbait Monster Crab

TX1 Food Syrups and TX1 Hookbait Glugs are available in five classic flavours to match the TX1 Boilie range, making them perfect for enhancing the attraction of your feed or hookbait with an extra boost of carp attracting flavour.
Using an odourless glycerine base, which is extremely soluble in water, TX1 Food Syrup and TX1 Hookbait Glug is made using exactly the same ingredients and attractors as the boilies of the same name. The Food Syrup is perfect for increasing the attraction of any particle feed, pellets or spod mix, creating a layer of attraction around your swim for the fish to home in on. The TX1 Hookbait Glug has a thicker, stickier consistency and will increase the attraction of any hookbait and is especially effective when used with the matching TX1 Pop-up range. Both liquids are totally PVA safe and can also be used to increase the flavour and attraction signal when using PVA bags and stick mixes.


Bait TX1 Hookbait Monster Crab 250ml Dip







TX1MCHB250 Hookbait Dip Monster Crab 200 Bottle