Even the most advantage fishing tackle need a basic maintenance. This maintenance avoids you as much as possible for unexpected surprises when you arrive at the shore.
Always ensure your self that your reel is running well by moving the handle and check if your drag is working properly. Ensure yourself that all moving function are working properly. For reels with maintenance port we advise to put one drop (only 1 drop) of Shimano Bantam oil in the maintenance port every 2 times you go fishing.
After every fishing trip it is wise to do basic maintenance. Clean your reel with a soft cloth and remove sand, dust and other dirt without pushing hard. Eventually you can rinse your reel with cold fresh tap water, but do not sub-merge the reel under water.
Special attention when the reel is used in salt-water condition. In this case always clean the reel with cold water and rinse. Salt is an aggressive material that can destroy your valuable fishing tackle by not cleaning well after use. For these fisherman we even advise to remove the fishing line every now and than when the reel is used in salt water. This to avoid that salt can crystallise between your fishing line and spool, because this can be a cause of corrosion.
Always use sparely a drop of oil on metal to metal moving parts.
Due to the complexity of nowadaysfishing tackle we do not advice you to open the fishing reel yourself. If your reel needs long term maintenance we advice you to contact your Local Shimano Dealer.