Superiority in hand. Overwhelmed by the power to catch. 2 pieces aiming for the "summit".
Live-lining for dream big fish that you have not seen yet. ARCIERA OYOGASE was released with the aim the blanks could be bent without hesitation when facing the once-in-a-lifetime monster. The main blanks are designed with a combination of lightweight and high-strength carbon material and supple and tenacious UD glass material. SPIRAL X CORE and HI-POWER X not only tighten up the entire body, but also provide a thick-walled design to resist large fish, resulting in a strong and high-strength blanks. Also, the tip section is flexible enough to detect the behavior of live bait, and it catches changes in the water to promote natural biting. By designing the tip and butt in the right places, the ideal live-lining rod for catching huge fish was born.