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Rod Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin


Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin


Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin


Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin
Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin
Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin
Shimano Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin

Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin

The mid-priced Yasei Zander River Jig rods are deliberately longer than vertical jigging rods, to give you enhanced casting performance. Specifically designed for zander fishing with jig heads and softbaits on rivers, they are just as effective on canals and still waters when you want to fish away from the bank.
There’s a choice of three rods in the range and which you choose will depend on the types of water you fish and your preferred jig weights.
For searching the depths of larger rivers, with heavy jig heads, the 2.70m Heavy version takes some beating. With its excellent fast action casting performance and 24-56g optimum casting weight, you can really cover a lot of water, reach further out into the river and get down to the bottom quickly if there is a powerful current. The extra length and power also improves fish-playing control of large fish in a swift current. There is also a Medium version of the 2.70m length with a casting weight of 12-28g. This is great for slower rivers, large canals and still waters.
For shorter range work the 2.40m length Medium option (12-28g) really comes into its own. The increased workability and sensitivity of the shorter length makes it easy to put a lot of life into your softbaits and the extra fast action magnifies even the most tentative of takes, which is especially noticeable when the zander are in a finicky mood.
At the heart of each Yasei rod is a High Modulus Full Carbon blank built using Hi-Power X technology and Nano Alloy. This reduces blank twist when casting and playing fish, and results in a very responsive feel that is essential when zander are in a finicky mood. To further increase sensitivity and overall performance, the rods are fitted with the latest design Fuji Alconite K-type guides which are lightweight and suitable for both braid and mono main lines.
In keeping with the high quality design, a Fuji reel seat is fitted onto the custom-design split grip EVA handle giving this range a modern, eye-catching appearance that matches their brilliant fishing performance.


Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin Extra Fast 2,40m 12-28g 2pc
Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin Fast 2,70m 24-56g 2pc
Kamış Yasei Zdr River Jig Spin Extra Fast 2,70m 12-28g 2pc

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